From ‘Auto-Pilot’ to ‘Present’ in 8 Weeks… Our Corporate Mindfulness Results 


Here are the results of our 2016 Pilot Study…

We understand the challenges of being time-poor but needing to function at optimum level 24/7.  In fact, it can be frustrating being an effective leader without having the right tools.  

Maybe your staff are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed because they constantly need to perform.  This can be difficult if your team is not as engaged as you’d like them to be.

Not a day goes by when a new valued client tells us they’ve tried other approaches to reduce stress and improve workplace relationships and productivity, without success.

If you’ve been searching for ways to be a more effective leader or you want to improve the health and well-being of your team, then the Wise 8 week program may be the right solution for you. We have included a special offer for you below.

Pilot Study: The Effectiveness of an Eight Week Attention Training Program in the Workplace…

Work-related stress has a negative impact on employees that is wide-ranging. As well as psychological health problems, stress has been associated with impaired performance, reduced productivity, physical illness, turnover and sickness absence.

Evidence is emerging from a range of professional contexts that mindfulness training can help employees manage work-related stress.

We put this to the test..

Objective: The purpose of this Pilot Study was to assess whether our eight week Wise mindfulness program would improve resilience, health and psychological outcomes (stress, depression and anxiety) for employees, in particular Child Protection Practitioners, at the Department of Health and Human Services in Melbourne, Victoria.

Methods: We explored the impact of mindfulness training on levels of mindfulness, psychological well-being, depression, anxiety, tension/stress, sleep, resilience and coping ability. In addition, the study attempted to determine the impact of eight weeks of mindfulness meditation on blood pressure scores. Data was collected from 107 participants pre and post-intervention, as well as one month post-intervention.

This is what we discovered…

Results: The Pilot showed improvement in all levels of mindfulness, psychological well-being measures and stress, as well as in resting blood pressure scores. The findings suggest that an eight week mindfulness-based stress resilience program enhances psychological well-being, sleep and coping ability. Anxiety and depression scores, as well as perceived stress and muscle tension, decreased in all locations. Negative correlations between mindfulness behaviour and depression scores were found, illustrating that as mindfulness behaviour increased, psychological distress decreased. Higher correlations post intervention were also found indicating a clear association between low mindfulness behaviour and high depression, anxiety and stress scores (and vice versa). We found higher levels of self-acceptance, mindfulness, social connectedness, happiness, and life satisfaction post-intervention. A wide range of physical difficulties such as anxiety, insomnia and migraines were also alleviated.

Perceived stress

96% reported feeling calmer and more relaxed.

81% stated they were less ‘reactive’ and more able to recognise when they were in default mode.

58% of participants are still performing regular relaxation, mindfulness meditation or other stress reduction activities. This has increased from 20%.

Psychological distress

93% stated they had coped better with difficult or stressful situations.

An overall reduction in DASS scores (Depression, Anxiety, Stress) post intervention.

A negative correlation coefficient found between mindfulness and DASS Scores. (As mindfulness behaviour increases, psychological distress decreases).

Mindful awareness

94% of participants had increases in their MAAS Score.

90% found their concentration and focus had improved.

83% reported they were better able to listen attentively and communicate effectively.


66% reported improvements in sleep post-intervention.

Blood pressure

Normal healthy range increased from 19.7% to 65.8%

Isolated Hypertension (high blood pressure) decreased from 21% to 9.8%

Conclusion: The Pilot Study has proven an eight week corporate mindfulness program effectively reduces stress and improves health and psychological well-being (depression, anxiety and stress) scores. The data collected provides encouraging results that suggest further application of mindfulness is extremely beneficial for improving resilience in employees in the workplace.